Powerlines newsletter mentioned in Bernstein Crisis Blog

I am pleased to announce that Bernstein Crisis Management, one of the foremost crisis firms in the USA did a piece on my last Powerlines newsletter on their blog: http://bernsteincrisismanagement.blogspot.com/  (Wednesday, 18th February)

I find it pleasing and disconcerting at the same time, that my newsletter is more appreciated in overseas countries than in South Africa.In the last newsletter I asked whether readers prefer it to be text or PDF based. One writer from overseas wrote, he doesn’t care, as long as I continue sending it, because every month he finds something useful in it.

Yet, every month I get a lot of South African readers unsubscribing, yet gain more readers from other countries. Is my writing to advanced? To Rocket scientist-like?

Or is it plain and simple, just that South African readers do not understand the value of reputation as an asset and as an institution’s biggest risk?

Or is it that they underestimate the danger of potential crisis?

What is it? What am I doing wrong?