Build Your Own Reputation by Doing Things Faster and More Elegantly!

As a consultant I have always known that my only stock in trade is my reputation (and intellectual capital).

I have also known that time is my most precious commodity and that (after being in private practice for more than eleven years) that managing and marketing a consulting practice is a very time intensive exercise. It has thus always been my quest for tools and techniques that would enable me to do what I do – faster and more elegantly.

Ten months ago I read a brilliant book called Getting Things Done by David Allen. This book really got me thinking about how my own levels of efficiency were impacting on my own reputation.

However thinking is never enough. Since I liked some of Dr Morita Masetake’s Constructive Living theories this book added a fine dimension to my understanding of Morita’s work. The essence of Morita’s method is often summarized in three rules: Accept all our feelings, know your purpose(s), and do what needs to be done. When once asked what shy people should do, Morita replied, "Sweat." The match between some of his work and the Getting Things done philosophy worked for me. I then took it further and invested in the GTD software. Personally I rate this purchase as probably the MOST important business tool purchase that I have ever made.

Since I implemented his system I have never felt so much in control and this system has allowed me to become so organised that I can now spend a lot of time with my family and on my own self-development.

If you have not yet explored it, I urge you to visit the following sites to bring you up to speed:

The thing is you do not have to buy the software but once you understand the system, it is absolutely brilliant.

Here is a cheat sheet:

See details for the Getting Things Done Outlook Add-In : – If you use Outlook, this Add-In designed by NetCentrics in collaboration with Allen can turbo-charge your GTD implementation. Taking advantage of powerful Outlook features, it customizes your personal application with the right buttons and views to put the Getting Things Done methods at your fingertips.

But GTD is also a philosophy and not just a system. If you start to apply it to all parts of your life it will become more meaningful, be it fitness, business or health.

Your business will FEEL it! Your Reputation will be enhanced!

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