10 Things you might not know about Stakeholder Management & Corporate Reputation

  1. Did you know that the word stakeholder refers to those individuals or groups that can have a legal, moral or economic stake in your organization?
  2. Did you know that your organization’s reputation is its greatest asset, but yet it’s Greatest Risk?
  3. Did you know that Reputation Risk has been shown in more than 5 international surveys to be the biggest and most difficult risk to manage by organizations?
  4. Did you know that there are three definitions of Reputation Risk, with Stakeholder Reputation Risk one of them?
  5. Did you know that Stakeholder Reputation Risk refers to the risk that emerges when the reasonable expectations of stakeholders about performance and behavior are not met?
  6. Did you know that Stakeholder Profiling should be done every time you tackle a new project, assignment or campaign?
  7. Did you know that there are stakeholder groupings which include categories such as though leaders?
  8. Did you know that the drivers of corporate reputation can be correlated with stakeholders?
  9. Did you know that the Universal principles on which Stakeholder Management is based originated from four conferences that were hosted by the Centre for Corporate Social Performance and Ethics in the Faculty of Management [now: the Clarkson Centre for Business Ethics & Board Effectiveness or CC(BE)] between 1993 and 1998?
  10. Did you know that some studies have shown that Corporate Reputation can influence as much as 55% of a company’s share price?

These are but some of the items that I will expand on at my next Stakeholder Reputation workshop on the 17th June.